Hi there! Please find below some pieces of information about my playlists on Spotify.

  1. I don’t have the intellectual/emotional ability to create a coherent connection for such large sequences of songs. For this reason, with a few exceptions, the songs in my playlists are usually organized alphabetically by their respective titles; in case of repeated titles, by the names of the artists. Updates are constant and suggestions are welcome.
  2. Unfortunately, I have no control over the excerpts that Spotify plays for each track embedded here. For music lovers, I recommend that you install the app. Although I hate to admit it, it does make exploring the musical universe much easier. The only limitation of the free version is that it forces users to listen to advertisements (God only knows about what!) between the songs.

I hope you guys like my playlists. Modesty aside, they are way better than the programming of many radio stations out there. By the way, if anyone wants to recommend me for a music curator position, I’ll be happily taking it! 😂

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